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YWAM Marseille

Project noailles




Welcome to Project Noailles, an outreach initiative of YWAM Marseille that seeks to share the love of Jesus with the community of Noailles in Marseille. Noailles, is right outside of our door and is known for its rich cultural diversity, vibrant markets, and deep sense of community. Noailles is also a place where many people face challenges, including poverty, social isolation, and a lack of opportunities. Through this project, we aim to make a tangible difference by reaching out with both practical support and the message of hope and transformation found in Jesus Christ.


Project Noailles, is focused on bringing both physical and spiritual restoration to the community. We engage in hands-on outreach, building relationships, and creating spaces where people can encounter the love and hope of Jesus in a personal way. Here’s how your support will help us extend God’s Kingdom in Noailles:

  • Evangelism and Discipleship: We’re committed to spreading the message of Jesus through street evangelism & bible studies. By connecting with people where they are, we can share the life-changing truth of the Gospel and walk with them as they grow in their faith.
  • Community Outreach Programs: We host weekly outreach events and community engagement programs such as Table Tennis in the street each week, a community games night and running a soccer outreach in the North of Marseille.
  • Building Friendships and Creating Spaces of Belonging

    At the heart of Project Noailles is our desire to create a welcoming space where immigrants and refugees can feel at home. Through our programs our hope is that through these relationships, people will encounter the love of Jesus and experience the healing power of the Gospel. 


How You Can Get Involved

Project Noailles is more than just a fundraising campaign—it’s a mission to bring hope, transformation, and the love of Jesus to a community in need. We believe that lasting impact happens when people come together with a shared vision. There are many ways for you to be part of this exciting journey! Whether you’re interested in getting involved hands-on or want to support from afar, we invite you to join us in making a difference in Noailles. Here’s how:

Volunteering: If you have a heart for outreach, we welcome you to come and be part of the work on the ground. Our YWAM team is always looking for passionate volunteers who want to build relationships, serve the community, and share the Gospel. Whether you’re a student looking for mission opportunities or someone with a desire to use your skills to serve others, we’d love to have you join us.

Staff Opportunities: If you feel called to long-term ministry, consider joining our YWAM base as a staff member. You’ll be able to dedicate yourself to serving in Noailles, contributing your gifts to help transform the lives of families, youth, and immigrants in the area. This is an incredible opportunity to grow in your faith, leadership, and heart for missions.

Prayer Support: We believe in the power of prayer. If you can’t physically join us, you can still support us spiritually. Please pray for the Noailles community, for the people we are reaching, and for our team as we carry out this important work.

Of course, one significant way to get involved is through financial support. Your donations make it possible for us to continue this mission and expand our outreach efforts. Whether you volunteer, join our staff, or give financially, your involvement is crucial to seeing lives transformed in Noailles.
We invite you to prayerfully consider how you can be part of this mission—whether through your time, talents, or resources.
Together, we can bring hope, healing, and the love of Jesus to the people of Noailles.

Ready to join us? Keep reading to learn how your financial support can make a direct impact!


  • Sporting Gear
  • Community BBQs and Street Meals
  • A Speaker and Sound System 
  • Coffee Machine
  • Portable Project
  • Host Different Community Events Throughout the Year
  • Craft Supplies for Women’s Events
  • New Furniture for the Base to Welcome People


As followers of Jesus, we are called to be His hands and feet in the world. The needs in Noailles are immense, but we believe that with God’s help, we can see lives transformed through both our words and our actions. Your financial support will enable us to expand our outreach efforts, reach more people with the message of Jesus, and help meet the practical needs of this community.

By donating to Project Noailles, you are partnering with us in God’s mission. Every gift—whether large or small—makes a lasting impact.
With your help, we can spread the love of Christ throughout Noailles, bringing light to the darkest places and offering hope to those who need it most.


You can make a one-time donation or become a monthly partner in this vital ministry. Your contribution will go directly toward supporting outreach programs, sharing the Gospel, and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the Noailles community. Together, we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God in Marseille.

Please be sure to note: ‘Project Noailles’ in the description of your gift.